Operational Programme: Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme Plus (GINOP Plus)
Call for Proposals Code: GINOP-1.2.16-22
Call Title: Support for the development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises to adapt to modern business and production challenges
Project Identifier: GINOP-1.2.16-22-2023-02907
Project Title: Equipment procurement and site development of HC-Linear Ltd.
Project Implementation Period Start Date: 2021.09.01
Planned Physical Completion Date: 2023.08.31
Implementation Location: 7630 Pécs, Hegedűs János u. 10.
Grant Amount: HUF 72,765,973
Grant Rate: 70.00%
The project is financed from the European Regional Development Fund and the national central budgetary allocation as a conditionally refundable grant.
Beneficiary Name: HC LINEAR Technical Development Limited Liability Company

Brief Description of the Project
The project includes the implementation of the following activities:
- Equipment Procurement: Technological (digital laboratory microscope, forklift, CNC milling machine) and information technology developments (projector, LED television, uninterruptible power supply).
- Infrastructure and Real Estate Development: The infrastructure development of the property will be carried out from our own resources, the funds of the GINOP-1-2.15-21-2021-00054 project, and the current project funds. The current project will fund interior work on the third floor and the infrastructure development of the new staircase.
- Renewable Energy: We plan to install a solar panel system on the roof.
- Consulting: Consulting services will be used to further develop our existing enterprise resource planning system, focusing primarily on optimizing and automating the workflows of our manufacturing and service teams as well as our economic team.
- Training: Two training services will be utilized to further develop the skills of our software development team.
By developing the infrastructure, manufacturing, and ICT capabilities of the property purchased in the first quarter of 2021, our goal is to establish an industry-independent research, development, and manufacturing base in the South Transdanubian region. This facility will be capable of delivering low-current system solutions from research and development through prototype production to series production.
We chose a property with sufficient floor space to house our hardware and software development teams, manufacturing and service teams, system operators, economic professionals, and production lines in alignment with our goals. This also allows us to expand our human and material resources and our research, development, and manufacturing capacities continuously in the future.
Our primary goal at this industry-independent research, development, and manufacturing base is to open up to the healthcare sector by manufacturing electronic components for healthcare products. Our secondary goal is to further develop our transportation informatics systems, supported by the recently awarded GINOP-1-2.15-21-2021-00054 project.