OBU (On-Board-Unit)
Based on decades of experience, the Innovation Award-winning, modular, expandable, in-house developed product, designed specifically for buses, trams and trolleybuses.
The associated extensible service system (hardware and software) offers transport companies a complex, comprehensive solution for real-time traffic management, passenger information and data collection.
Modern, powerful CPU core (which may be replaceable in the future).
It comes with all the hardware and software modules needed for a bus, without the need to install other "boxes". Easy to use.
The driver is informed by the on-board computer and can see on the display the next flight to be made, the departure time, and, while driving, any deviation from the timetable and any emergency dispatch messages and instructions. The device automatically controls passenger information.
It is in direct contact with the dispatching service via GPRS technology-based communication, recording and sending geographical location and operational information and data.
It controls and operates auxiliary systems such as the on-board audiovisual system, security camera system, ticketing system and transmits data from these devices to the central server.